Thursday, November 5, 2015

Being Transparent

There are a lot of books that I try and read and don't finish. Many of  them are just plain theology. I like an author that can make a point then take a story out of his life and illustrate the point that he just made. I know that it takes guts. I know it makes the author get scrutinised  more then others, but to read an author that opens up like this is so refreshing.

Are you a person that shares the truth with people.?When you are speaking, do you open up to others and talk about your past sins or current struggles? Do you have the courage to show people that you don't hold all the answers yet? Or do you always put your best foot first and only in private do you open up to others?

It is not recorded in the Gospels but I feel that Jesus taught in a very transparent sort of way. I am sure He shared things that He found hard. Do you actually think Jesus found anything hard? Do you think that Jesus shared things on His heart and not just theology with His listeners?

I am a person that who has a big heart. It is easy to hurt me. I don't always have clever arguments. I can't quote as many scriptures as other people, but the scriptures that I do know I live out in my life. I am not a person that quotes scripture and has to be an authority on everything. I am simply a teacher that likes to teach simple lessons. I don't try and prove myself to others. I don't try to impress others. I just share my heart and when I need to illustrate a point I use a story out of my life.

The Holy Spirit is close to me every time I sit down to write. He likes to see me sharing stuff right out of my heart. Sometimes he encourages me to share things that are hard for me to share.
 I know in those times though, that there are going to be readers that are really going to be encouraged by my admission.

As a prophet, you will be called to be personal. As a prophetic person you need to be approachable. As a regular person who has not got the gift of prophecy, God wants you to open up and share your stories with people. We all benefit from people who share their hearts.

What do you think?

Are you a person that likes their teachers to be transparent?

Are you transparent?

A Message from My Angel

It is so good that the Holy Spirit told you that I want to speak to you and it is so good that you are open to hearing from me and you want to share what I say to you. I have been with you for a year now. I have been with you as you have published five books. I have been with you through dark nights and storms. I have seen you not being able to sleep. I have seen you in the depths of depression. I have seen you struggle with life and through it all I have seen you shine a bright light.

I want to tell you that you are a powerful force to be reckoned with. You wonder sometimes what I am doing in your house. I am here to support you to speak to you and to champion you. All of your spiritual output is guided though me and the Holy Spirit. In fact many times when you feel a nudge to do something by the Holy Spirit it is in fact me nudging you. I am here to see that you live up to the potential that God has for you.

You are very open to the spiritual. You are so surrendered to God. Even when you watch your favourite TV shows the Kingdom of God speaks to you. Many people have TV as their God and yet you have TV in your life to be ministered to and set free of paint and struggles. God meets you with the smile of a baby on a bus. God meets you when a person in a shop smiles and you and serves you. God meets you on Facebook when you read what your friends post. God meets you in the midst of depression. Wherever you go, no matter what you are doing you are always in communion with God.

God loves that about you. Your focus is always on the Kingdom. Everything that you do, everything that you say is toward the Kingdom. You are a person to be reckoned with in the spiritual realms. You are a powerful force and an encouragement to many people and each day your influence is growing. Your words carry weight and have authority. Many people look to you as a mentor and you are an example to many. God is going to increase your anointing, your reach, your authority and your reputation. I am here to facilitate that growth. I have everything that you need and I am responsible for the life that you live at present.

I am not the only angel in your life. I am simply the most powerful and the one that is going to help you grow into all that God destined for you to accomplish. I am going to lead you gently and direct you in the  way to go. In the coming months you are going to be able to differentiate my voice from the Holy Spirit and we will interact more intentionally. God wants it this way as one day you are going to teach people how to minister and work with angels. You re going to be a master.

I am happy with you. I am proud of you. I enjoy being in your life and many things that you accomplish will be credited to my influence in your life. I have a wonderful assignment. I am so happy to be used. I  will travel with you and manifest myself more often to you in months to come. I enjoy you and am so pleased with you.

My prayers are with you.

If this post was an eye opener for you and you have something to say about it, make sure you comment.

Living the Word

Many people mistakenly think that it is a good practice to be able to memorise scripture. That in itself is a good discipline and should not be discouraged , but something more powerful is for people to put the scripture that they know into action. Rather then quoting scripture in Facebook arguments, they would know that Paul admonished us to not take part in that at all. Rather then walking past homeless people on the street without one glance, they would know what Jesus meant for us to do when He shared the parable of the Good Samaritan.

Personally I think we have too many people with opinions  and ideas of what the Christian life is supposed to look like, and too few that are sharing the Gospel and obeying everything that Jesus taught and teaching others to do so. Many people can quote what the Great Commission says, yet few people actually do it! It is important that we don't become religious with an appearance of being good Christians and yet neglect to live like the church off Acts actually lived.

It takes real effort to obey and heed the scriptures. If people believed in the Word of God and practiced it as Jesus wanted us to do, there would be an explosion of lost souls pouring into the Kingdom every day and the people of God would not be sitting behind computer screens posting scriptural commentary on Facebook, but they would be out in public demonstrating the Kingdom of God to the lost.

You see when all is said and done,  there is a lot being said and very little being done. Jesus did not come with mere words to rebuke the Pharisees, He came with a demonstration of power and a love and compassion that won the people to Him and threatened the whole System of religion at that time. Can you imagine such a powerful man coming to the Earth today and doing such radical things that it turned Christianity on its head?

You can affect your world if you begin to practice the Word of God. You can start with the Fifty commandments of Jesus Christ. Look them up on Google and set your mind to remember some of them and start to put them into practice each day of your life. It is not enough to quote the Word of God, even Satan can do that. Demons don't fear the Word of God. Demons only fear a Christian that is full of the Word of God and obeying it.

Some people read my books and wonder how I have such an intimate relationship with Jesus. Some of these people have told me that they are jealous of my relationship. My relationship came out of talking to Jesus and obeying the Word of God. You too can make a start toward where I am with in my relationship with God.

I encourage you to go for it!

If you read this, and it has you think, post a comment about what comes to mind